How to access Ultra Mobile Voicemail and get voice messages?

ultra mobile voicemail
Ultra Mobile

Accessing Ultra Mobile's voicemail is a breeze if you have a cell phone configured or open to Ultra Mobile, but it can be tricky if you're using an open GSM smartphone previously locked to a carrier such as Verizon. As we know, cell phone service providers such as Verizon are notorious for installing apps that ensures you stay on their network, and some of these apps stay even after the phone is unlocked. Because of this, most of the cell phone's default configurations are setup to work exclusively for Verizon, but not for other carriers.

If you are using a smartphone designed to accommodate Ultra Mobile, the way to access the voicemail is by pressing and holding the "1" button on the dial pad. Alternatively, you can dial 1-855-616-9530. To reset the voicemail password, type #PWD# on your keypad and hit "Send." However, if you are using a cell phone configured to other carriers, such is in the case of Verizon, this may not work.

Problem: Switching to Ultra Mobile from other carriers such as Verizon

When you switch from carriers like Verizon to Ultra Mobile, most of the configurations has to be manually changed and setup for the new Ultra Mobile sim. You can find the solution for that in Ultra Mobile's website. Yet, some problems may exist. Among the problems you might encounter is with the Voice Mailbox or Voicemail. For instance, if you have a phone previously configured for Verizon, accessing the voice mailbox will have the cell phone dial *86 (*VM), but in Ultra Mobile, you will get a recorded message saying something like "Your number cannot be completed as dialed...". Dialing and holding 1 on the dial pad to access the voicemail may also not work as it's supposed to. The voicemail app may not work either.

In this case, most users would probably call Ultra Mobile's tech support, but unless you give them the whole detail beginning with explaining how you acquire your smartphone, and how it was configured, they would more likely have difficulty in solving your problem. Most of the time, they would assume that you have a standard smartphone that normally works with any sim card, and they will give you answers similar to the ones found in their website's FAQ section.

The Simple Solution

While the problem may seem complex, there is actually a simple way to access your Ultra Mobile Voicemail. This method also seem to work on most mobile phones regardless of your carrier. The simplest solution is to dial and call *123. You will be connected to your voice mailbox and be prompted to enter your password (if there is a password) or set a password (if new). It may also ask you a few things to get you to setup your voicemail. Just follow all the voice instructions and you would be able to proceed to your voice mailbox and hear your voice messages.

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